Routing coax on a Ford Econoline van.

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Routing coax on a Ford Econoline van.


Post by Mentor3006 »

Looking for some help identifying where the firewall penetrations are on this thing. It is a 93 E250 and I need to run the coax to a hood channel mount. I have some ideas but looking for better ones if they exist...

Idea 1. Route through the channel, fender gap, door gap, route along the seal until the break in the seal at the bottom then come up along the A pillar, there will be some looping around going on here, don't like that, possible to have rain intrusion...

Idea 2. Figure out, not super easy, but figure out WERE the firewall penetrations are, route to under the dash, up the kick panel, up along next to the dash, up the A pillar and across to the radio. This, assuming I silicone the grommet it passes through, should allow for no rain / water intrusion into the cabin.

Either way I go, I have about 6 to 8 feet distance to cover, and 18 feet of coax to deal with. I have an overhead console that I will likely put the extra in using giant loops. Not sure there really is any other option...
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Re: Routing coax on a Ford Econoline van.


Post by Mentor3006 »

Solved my own issue. Not sure this would apply to earlier models, I KNOW It doesn't apply to the first 2 generations so I am only talking about Gen 4 E series vans and cutaway chassis cabs commonly used for box trucks and class C motorhomes.

Assuming you are coming in from a fender channel antenna mount, which I am having no success with, I would route the cable along the hood channel, unscrew and pull up the plastic wiper cowl enough to drop the cable in the gap. From inside the van fish the cable from the gap above the top door hinge, and route it up to duck behind the door seal. Run it up and tuck it behind the A pillar to the front of the headliner, tuck it behind the headliner until you get behind the radio and then break out to get to the radio. Done.
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