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Running a radio through the Amp.

This is the forum for asking questions about linear amplifiers or power supplies.
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Running a radio through the Amp.


Post by 295 antenna »

I thought I saw this answered someplace but I can't seem to find? it so here is my question. Is it bad for an amp to run a radio through it without power to the amp.? Not high power but say 1 to 5 watts . Not the power on but power to the amp.
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Re: Running a radio through the Amp.


Post by MDYoungblood »

As long as the amp is off or in standby when on, the relay is switched to where it bypasses the transmitter section, in other words, in easier terms, it's straight to the antenna.


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Re: Running a radio through the Amp.


Post by 295 antenna »

Thanks Greg. I thought so

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Added 1 month 25 days 6 hours 9 minutes 31 seconds after previous.
MDYoungblood wrote: Mar 08 2021, 09:03 As long as the amp is off or in standby when on, the relay is switched to where it bypasses the transmitter section, in other words, in easier terms, it's straight to the antenna.


So what I'm seeing is the amp has to have power going to it for the relay to be in play . Yes ?
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Re: Running a radio through the Amp.


Post by MDYoungblood »

If the AC (plugged in to the wall) or DC (13.8v) is off then the relay, radio (input) side of the amplifier is switched directly to the antenna (output) side of the amplifier. Now that being said I have seen in the past some "oddball brand" amplifiers that dead shorted or had an open circuit unless the amp was on and operating.
There is going to be some radio wattage loss going through the amp, everything between the radio and antenna creates some loss.


"321, West Manchester Township, PA"

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